Welcome to Coachlogik Mentorship

Turning science and research into real-world solutions for coaches.

Why Coachlogik Mentorship?

We bring together coaches who are ready to expand their knowledge and skills to participate in impactful mentorship programs, so that we can create a supportive coaching community and foster personal growth for both ourselves and our clients.

The Results You'll Get

Our community, courses, and memberships are pretty special. We’re focused on the ways it will make a huge difference in your life.

Here are a few of the things you’ll be able to do as a member of Coachlogik Mentorship:

  • Enhance your coaching techniques by learning from experienced professionals in your field.
  • Drive your personal growth alongside your clients by engaging with a supportive community.
  • Build influential connections with other coaches that can lead to collaborative opportunities.

When You Join Today

When you join Coachlogik Mentorship today, you’ll get access to our:

  • Participate in a mentorship program: Engage with experienced coaching professionals in a guided mentorship program. This is a rare opportunity to learn directly from someone experienced, in real-time, while also getting hands-on mentoring experience. This activity could significantly help in refining coaching practices and developing new ones.
  • Attend a course: Dive into a specially curated course, complete with video lectures, real-life examples, and role-playing scenarios where you can practice and demonstrate your skills. These courses are designed to fit the needs of all coaches, whether you're just getting started or are seeking to enhance your expertise.
  • Live Chatting (Daily updates, Q&A): Take part in live video chats with fellow coaches. Daily updates and a Q&A session where you can get answers to your burning coaching questions, receive feedback, and engage in meaningful discussion with like-minded individuals. It's a great way to learn and network simultaneously.